Set Up Message Encryption

We recommend using Proton Mail since we're built on the same encryption technology - PGP or Pretty Good Privacy. PGP is an open protocol providing strong encryption that's been around for decades and is trusted by governments and activists alike. When you use Proton Mail as described below, your anonymous Hush Line messages will be automatically delivered to and decrypted in your Inbox - no logging back into the Hush Line platform necessary. And since your messages are encrypted with a key to which only you have access, they are unreadable to anyone but you 💪.


Option 1: Proton (Recommended)
Option 2: Mailvelope

Option 1: Proton

Step 1: Sign up for Hush Line & Proton

Go to and and sign up for your accounts if you haven't already.


Step 2: Import Your Key

In your Hush Line settings, navigate to the Email & Encryption tab. You'll notice that email forwarding is disabled until you add an encryption key.

In the Message Encryption section, you'll see a Proton key search input. To import your key, add the email address you just created.


Step 3: Mail Forwarding

Now that you've added your PGP key from Proton you can add a forwarding address. Add your Proton email address.


Step 4: Send a Message

Click on Profile in the Hush Line global navigation. Enter a message into your form, and when you submit it, you'll see it encrypted in your browser before it sends - this ensures your message is end-to-end encrypted!


Step 5: Check Your Email

Go back to your Proton account and, if necessary, refresh your Inbox. You should see an email from appear. Click on it, and you'll see your automatically decrypted message! If you go back to Hush Line and click Inbox, you'll see the same message, but it'll be encrypted and unreadable since your key to decrypt the message only exists on Proton.


🎉 Congratulations, you're ready to start receiving encrypted and anonymous Hush Line messages!

Option 2: Mailvelope

Step 1: Get the Extension

To set up Mailvelope for Chrome or Firefox, follow the instructions found here:

Step 2: Create a key

In the Setup dashboard, click on the "Generate key" button. Add a name for your key, your email address, and a strong password. Before clicking "Generate," click on the "Advanced" button. In the Algorithm picklist, choose "ECC - Curve25519". This algorithm is more efficient than traditional RSA encryption while providing a similar level of security. Now, generate your key!

Once your key is created, click on it from the dashboard, then select "Export" in the "Public" tab and "Copy to clipboard."

Select the Email & Encryption tab in your Hush Line settings, and paste your key into the Public PGP Key textarea.


Step 3: Authorize the Hush Line domain

With Hush Line open, click the Mailvelope icon and select "Authorize this domain." Click "Ok" when the dialog opens. You'll be able to see in the authorized domains list.


Step 4: Send and read a message!

Let's send a test message! In the header, click "Profile." Enter some text and click "Send Message." If you haven't disabled JavaScript, you'll see it encrypted in the browser before it submits.


Go to "Inbox" to see the message in the app. You may have to enter the password you set when creating your key in Mailvelope.


🎉 Congratulations, you're ready to start receiving encrypted and anonymous Hush Line messages!